MSU Writing Center

If you want help or feedback on a paper or other writing assignment, you can meet with a Writing Center “consultant” either in-person or online. The hours and in-person meeting locations are listed here. You have to make an appointment for an online meeting, and, I believe, an appoinment is recommended for in-person meetings as well.

The Writing Center can be a very helpful asset, but to use it effectively, you have to be an active participant in the process. You can’t just expect that someone in the Writing Center will fix your paper for you while you wait. (There is no way that they will do that for you; so don’t expect it.) The paper that you show them will, of course, be a draft, but it should still be complete and polished. Also, while you are working on the paper, think about questions that you would like to ask someone, and then, in the meeting, ask as many questions as you can.

And finally, before you meet with someone in the Writing Center, look at this guide: Writing Center cheat sheet.